As one group of American friends moves back home, life has suddenly moved into August. [Cue Taylor Swift song.]
Last week, I hosted my women's circle after a month off, and was completely reminded of the power of community to make a city a home - a country a home. I always get so much out of hosting these events and giving back to my new community; it really surprises me how peaceful and lifted I feel after everyone leaves my flat. (I'm also surprised that I've taken on the word 'flat' with so much ease!) My friend - who I met through the circle - is letting me borrow a shruti box, and I've been making good use of it to sing whatever Hebrew songs or prayers come out of my mouth. (You can probably guess what I did first!)
So many different periods of my life have led me back to into artist, musician, and spiritual communities, and Lithuania has led me to them through very convoluted waterways, some of my own making. When we first got here last July, we attended the Užupis Kombucha Festival and that festival in my little bohemian district made its way into our calendar once again this past week. I walked around silently recognizing my people - you know, the ones who are ambivalent towards beer and most alcohol - smiling to myself that another yearly cycle in Vilnius was truly being cemented in stone. I still remember exactly how I felt visiting Užupis on my very first day in Vilnius. General consensus? "Alriiight, I think I'm gonna like this place!"
And then, The Scientist and I left our sweet Audrey with a friend and hopped over to a tiny little village near Alytus named Sudvajai, where we finally spent time with some friends at their village house. Surrounded by forests in all directions, picking fruits from their impressive garden, I just remembered: life in Lithuania is just... quieter, better paced. Even in Vilnius! Meeting up with a friend at the kombucha festival, she asked me if Lithuania has exceeded my expectations. So many people, in fact, have been asking me some variation of this same question, "So, how do you feel about Lithuania now that you've been here for a year? You doing okay?"

The Scientist eating blueberries - or "bluebebbies," as he likes to call them.
Am I doing okay? Once again, they're checking in on me, out of both curiosity and care, and I really appreciate it. And I had to pause when she asked me, because I wanted to be as honest as possible. Do I wish it were warmer here? Yes. But is my quality of life better? Also yes. We've been over this before at Into the Forests I Go, but it's just been interesting to watch my own evolution through these posts, to see the clarity of my responses and reactions.
So yeah, I'm doing okay with my wild blueberries and strawberries. Oh, and the rain - all the rain. How are you doing?
Have you made a big move of your own? Are you planning one in the future? Don't let it depend on presidential elections or Supreme Court rulings, or whatever narrative your country is experiencing. If you're really feeling a desire to move somewhere, it can happen. And if you're anything like me, you'll meet your community - and create the rest of it.
Who knows? Maybe some day, you'll end up in Lithuania, too. ;)
And with that, I'll see you soon! Viso gero and be kind to each other. We could all use a bit more of that, you know?